Sunday 2 August 2009

Sounds, smells, sights....Thomas the Tank Engine?!

A quick update as I'm pushed for time. I've not slept a hell of a lot....

My second day in Tokyo involved me getting lost. My third day did too actually. I have a feeling many more days like this are to come.

I tried wandering down to Akihabara to find a bank open on a Saturday only but I ended up trekking through Akasusa past where I saw that shrine yesterday. Then I decided to head to Akihabara to check out the electronics stores. There were a lot of electronics. There was a lot of anime. Anime porn. I think I'm going to end up fantasising about cartoons. I'm also obsessed with the lucky dip vending machines where you can slot a coin in and get an anime character out. Grown men and women get stuff all the time - they love these things!

I then tried to walk to Sumida River area, once again disorientated. By the time I arrived and found the Sumo Museum - which was closed - the humidity had turned me into a slimy mess. In desperation I caught the subway to Ueno where I admired the shrine and the TURTLES IN THE LAKE!! I also went to the National Museum of Japan. I loved the history of Buddhism exhibit. But the best thing was that you can sleep in the comfy chairs. Loads of people were doing it. My jetlagged led me to do it. Sorted.

Arrived at Yuji's. Met a load of people from France, Poland, Holland, US and who knows where else.

Best smell of the day:
Warm sugary crepes on street corners filled with ice cream and/or fruit.

Unusual sounds of the day:
The peace of Ueno Park being interrupted by the Thomas the Tank Engine theme tume.
The National Museum playing Auld Lang Syne at closing time - did I miss something?

Crazy dogs of the day:
A dog being carried in a handbag
A man wiping his poodle's bum - I know the toilets in Japan have jets to spray your bum (I did have fun today) but for dogs as well? Next they'll be training them to use loos!

August 2nd

We set off to Harajuku where we visited a flea market and I picked up a couple of bargains.
Found my favourite clothes shope in Takeshita Street - think sequens and tassles and everything garish and outrageous - wait, that sounds like my normal wardrobe? Well, I'm not denying it ;-)
Discovered the importance of an umbrella after rain turned me into drowned rat/ general hobo and ruined my potential Shibuya sight-seeing.
Went to Shinjuku, the "Times Square" of Tokyo. Discovered my hatred of the station. We (me and fellow CSers) could not find the west side of the station. The west side was on the east side of the tracks.
Sat eating a crepe at Roppongi Hills, a swanky, futuristic, and gigantic complex, when out of the ground a musical fountain emerged. Bells, tunes, the lot.
Another good sound - the pop melodies played everytime a subway train arrives at a station *be happy, disco, you have arrived....*

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